
1. I wanna be happy ____ Kirk Franklin

2. Worth ____ Anthony Brown

3. Intentional ____ Travis Greene

4. Fill me up _____ Tasha Cobb

5. I'm good ____ Tim Bowman Jr.

6. 123 Victory ____ Kirk Franklin

7. I luh God____ Erica Campbell

8. You love me ____ Anita Wilson

9. Put a praise on it ____ Tash Cobb

10. Like no other ____ Byron Cage

11. Trade it all _____ Earnest Pugh

12. Thank You, Thank You Jesus ____ Chicago Mass Choir

13. King oh King ____ Maurette Brown Clark

14. The Anthem ____ Todd Dulaney

16. I'll be the one _____ Bri

17. Thank you Jesus ____ Kim Burrell

18. I'm Yours ____ Casey J

19. You should've been there ____ Virginia Aires

20. Half mile home ____ More Than Enough

Top 20 March 2016


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